
Interview Questions for Programmers by MK #7


Question #7
You have the following code that uses Entity Framework to retrieve data from Northwind database. Firstly it finds customers that are from London and then process their orders. All data model classes were generated with the code first from database approach. Unfortunately, this code contains a bug that can lead to performance problems. Identity this problem and propose a fix.
using (var ctx = new NorthwindContext())
   var londoners = ctx.Customers.Where(e => e.City == "London");
   foreach (var londoner in londoners)
      foreach (var o in londoner.Orders)
         foreach (var d in o.OrderDetails)
Answer #7
This code is a classical example of N+1 select problem where too many queries are sent to a database. The first query will be sent to a database in order to find customers from London. Then for each customer another query will be sent to read orders. Finally, for each order another query will be sent to retrieve details of a given order. Instead, all data could be retrieved by sending only one query. To do so we need to tell EF that we want to read customers together with their orders and orders details. It can be achieved with Include method.
using (var ctx = new NorthwindContext())
   londoners = ctx.Customers.Include("Orders").Include("Orders.Order_Details").Where(e => e.City == "London");
A quick test will show that originally 53 queries are sent to a database and after a fix only 1.


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