
Polish -> English


It looks like that I haven't been blogging for 2 months and it is the longest  break I've ever had. I decided to put aside blogging because I wanted to focus on something else. However, after these 2 months I realized that I was simply missing blogging. Therefore I decided to return to writing posts and to change something in my blog. I've been thinking about writing in English for some time so finally I decided to do this step. Why?

First and foremost English is lingua franca of IT world. Majority of books, articles, blogs etc. are in English, all or almost all IT guys know English to some extent so writing in this language means potentially wider audience. Secondly, I'm aware that my English is far from being perfect so blogging in English will be a good occasion to improve my skills in this area.

For some bloggers a decision to start blogging in English might be difficult because of one thing. They write very, very well in their native language. I mean that everybody can write something. It might be useful, it may help someone, it might be interesting and it might be  written generally well, grammatically correctly, without typos but nonetheless it is not written like a good book. There are people who can do that but unfortunately I'm not one of them. However, it also means that I'm not afraid that my style of writing will lost a lot after switching to English ;)

Another reason behind my decision is of different nature. I remember a few occasions when I was asked about my blog by head hunters or interviewers. They were interested in what I'm writing about, one of them even used Google Translate to read my posts! So why not to make their life easier :)

Last but not least I'd like to thank Piotr Sowa from Coding By To Design blog for sharing his thoughts about blogging in English with me. Thanks Piotr!

As to technical aspects of blogging in English. I decided to translate the layout of blog but I'll leave old posts and labels (tags) as they are. Maybe, in future I'll translate the most popular and interesting of them but for now I'd like to focus on producing a new content. What do you think about this approach?


Anonymous said...

naprawiles komentarze? test

Michał Komorowski said...

Niestety, ale Google+ Comments coś popsuło. Miało być fajnie, a wyszło słabo. Jeszcze na to będę patrzył, bo to może wina zmodyfikowanego szablonu bloga.

Piotr Sowa said...

Nice post, you welcome :)

Anonymous said...

tzn. teraz jest ok, bo mozna dodawac komentarze. W przeszlosci ani razu mi sie nie udawało :)

Michał Komorowski said...

A kiedy próbowałeś po raz pierwszy dodać komentarz, i Ci się nie udało? Google+ Comments włączyłem na relatywnie krótko, więc myślałem, że to jego sprawka, a teraz mam wątpliwości.

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