
Event Storming workshops from the other side

Some time ago I gave the presentation about DDD and Event Storming during Girls Do IT 2019 conference. I also had occasion to run workshops on the same topic during Programistok 2018 and facilitated a few Event Storming sessions in the past (here is one example). So I can say that I have experience with this very nice modeling and business domain exploration technique proposed by Alberto Brandolini.

However, when I realized that I can take part in Event Storming Workshops organized by Krzysztof Owsiany and Mikołaj Jakubowski I didn't hesitate much to sign in. The workshops had two parts i.e. EventStorming - Big Picture and EventStorming - Design Level. I take part only in the second one while it was more interesting from my perspective.

In the beginning, we finished the Big Picture part and made a quick summary of what was done during the first part of the workshops. Then Krzysztof made an introduction to Design Level Event Storming. To do so he drew such a nice diagram:

Then we divided into 3 teams and started designing a part of a system in more details. Below you can find results of my team.

In the end, we compared designs prepared by all 3 teams. In was interesting to observe the difference between our designs even though we were supposed to design the same functionality.

To sum up I really didn't regret taking part in the workshops! For sure, it was not lost time. It was very valuable to see Event Storming session from the other side and observer how it is facilitated by someone else.

Are you ready to give a chance to Event Storming?

*The pictures in this post comes from own resources and were taken during workshops

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